Wyoming is moving forward with online filings, starting with reinstatements. When an entity is dissolved/revoked for failure to file the annual report and has no other delinquencies and wants to reinstate within 2 years, may now do so online. This is great news for those who forget to file the annual report in a timely matter.
For foreign or out of state entities this is especially significant. In the past if a foreign entity was revoked it would have been required to re-file. AND the $5000 penalty (that could have been applied for doing business when revoked) now only applies to entities that have never filed and are found to be doing business in Wyoming.
Spring 2016 will bring online filing of Articles. The Secretary of State has no details yet on how that will be executed. As a Wyoming registered agent these changes are very important. Look for updates in our newsletters, or contact our office.
We do our very best to remind our clients about filing Annual Reports so as to not be administratively dissolved. It’s important to keep your contact information updated with us at all times so that we may reach you.