Wyoming offers a great deal of privacy for LLCs as the names of Members (owners) and/or Managers are not required to be filed on Articles or Annual Reports. When dealing with financial institutions, you may be asked to provide proof of ownership. Below are examples of some items to accomplish this. You may or may not be asked for all of them, but most definitely items 1 and 2.
- Operating Agreement- signed by ALL Members
- Copy of IRS confirmation letter for EIN
- Signed Acceptance of Designation as Member
- Notarized Affidavit of Ownership
- Articles of Amendment naming Member(s)- we do not recommend this unless absolutely necessary as this information becomes public. Should you decide to file an amendment, you\’ll need to allow between 7-10 business days for the state to process the filing.
For multi-member LLCs, we strongly suggest that you maintain a company record book. If you do not have one, you may order one through our office.
For LLC record book order form CLICK HERE